Bonnie Lugo
Bonnie Lugo began her political involvement when she was a teenager, working for Ronald Reagan. This was quite an interesting twist because she was born and raised in Hollywood, California, and both her parents are Democrats. It was clear to her that the policies expressed by Republicans best represented her developing worldview. After she met her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, her beliefs were reaffirmed within the Republican Party platform and she realized that she needed to be in Texas!
As a busy military wife and mother of three, Bonnie concentrated on family matters and wasn’t very active in politics. Becoming friends with a Republican activist, she once again got involved in the political arena. In 2005, Bonnie became a Texas GOP Precinct Chair (#0223) and then a State Executive Committeewoman (SREC) for Senatorial District 13 in 2008. Currently, Bonnie serves as a member of the SREC Officials Committee, Resolutions Committee, and was appointed to a special task force by Chairman Mechler – RPT Platform Process Review Committee.

As a Texas Republican State delegate to the Texas State Convention, Bonnie served on the Rules Committee in 2008 and the Platform Committee in 2010, 2012, and 2014. In 2012 and 2014, she served as the Platform Subcommittee Chairman for the Strengthening Families, Protecting Life, and Promoting Health Subcommittee. Active in Texas state political campaigns, such as Stephen Munisteri for Texas State Republican Chairman (2010), Rick Perry for Governor (2010), Ted Cruz for Senator (2012), Harris County Field Director for the re-elect Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst Campaign (2012-13), etc.
Bonnie has also proudly served in various position for the Daughters of Liberty Board of Directors. Most recently she has been mentored by RAMP founder, Mrs. Ann Lee, and is proudly working with Mrs. Lee on RAMP as Treasurer. But her greatest accomplishment is that of being the mother of three wonderful and successful adults, in addition to being Nana to eight remarkable grandchildren — who are no doubt future Republicans and will also fight for liberty and freedom.