Jason Vaughn
Membership Director

Jason Vaughn is a South Carolina native who heard the call of Texas and moved as fast as he could by way of St. Louis. He attended North Greenville University where he studied to be a missionary in the Intercultural Studies program. While he has only taken short term mission trips he believes the degree has been of immense support in his political endeavors.
“The study of the gospel and anthropology ignited a passion that continues to understand and interact with different types of people. I love a strong debate or discussion about ideas and what makes people believe and act the way they do. It is very helpful in finding places people agree and working in those areas.”
While in college Jason learned to twist balloons on a mission trip to tell Bible stories. He came home and continued learning and within a month had book his first gig at a restaurant. Since then he has made balloons all over the country and competed internationally. He continues to tell stories today for gospel presentations and summer reading programs at libraries. He also creates massive costumes to compete at comic-cons and other sci-fi festivals. He has won several awards.
Jason’s true passion above all is to end abortion in Texas and then across the nation. He believes liberty is the fundamental issue of our day and that liberty must begin with life. In 2013, he began Pro-Life Texas just to let a few friends know what was going on in the state during the special sessions. It quickly grew to over 10,000 Facebook followers. With the growth Jason utilized his new community to start creating pro-life videos and produced his first promo in 2015 which has over 50,000 views and has been shared in many conferences, churches, and online. Ultimately, Jason wants to make producing pro-life media a full time position.
It was actually Jason’s pro-life views that lead him to RAMP. As he looked at the stats of the drug war and how many personal economies it ruined and the increase of sex trafficking as well as other horrors which often lead to an increase in abortions he changed his views. Yet, he was still primarily silent about then issue and fear losing credibility with others in the pro-life community.
Jason sat down with Rep. David Simpson to discuss and encourage him on a bill that would legalize marijuana and asked what could be done to help. Rep. Simpson’s response changed Jason’s perspective completely and gave him the courage to speak his mind on the issue.
Rep. Simpson said the best thing people could do was pray that “legislators vote with the faith of their convictions rather that the fear of their constituents.”
After hearing that Jason went home and penned “A Pro-Life Defense of Marijuana” which was published at TexasGOPVote.com and became a trending article for several days. Due to that and his work on bills in Texas legislature he was approached to be a part of RAMP and when accepting remarked, “it is amazing how much a single sentence can change your life.”
Jason now speaks on “Life, Liberty, and Marijuana” and can be found on twitter @JasonVaughn.